Thursday, March 8, 2007

Break free

College is not as easy as everyone thinks... nor as hard. Yes that statement contradicts itself but as Walt Whitman says "Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."

If you really know what you want to do with your life and have a passion for it... then college really isn't so hard. You go to your classes, you get involved in the right clubs, even volenteer at the proper places and you're good to go.

If however, you are like me and have no idea what you want for your life college can be like a prison. I go to classes I do not care for, join clubs that have nothing to do with a possible future, and everyday I have an overwhelming feeling of restlessness and wanting to break free.

This is why today I began my application for Americorps. It's the peace corps but only in the United States. I figured this was a better alternative to joining the Marines or Air force which i have been seriously considering for a year now. I decided against it though because of my family's negative reaction to the thought of me being "in war". I have not decided where I would like to go (i can chose anywhere in the 50 lovely united states or even a few american territories) but I do know that I would like to feel like I'm doing something worth while...

Any advice please let me know


Marcus said...

Okay, I understand that you are to a point, "now what?" What you won't want to do is something rash that leaves scars.
The Americorp sounds nice, but in every "corp" there is a time commitment, so if you don't like it, tough ... you're in it for the long haul. Regardless of my harranging you about the military, I know that people generally don't have a grasp of commitment.

Faith is commitment, and in religion, people waiver. That is okay, as people are humans. Unlike some positions, you can bow out of religion, seek another then rejoin without penalty. The military and "corp" aren't like that.

I think you should first ask, not where should I go, but rather, "what do I want to do". You want to help, great. Now, what/whom do you want to help. How can you help. When, where and a host of others follow, but "good willing body to serve good direction" leads to joining the wrong group.

Be strong and ask questions first. I could, while not working, have gone down to Lousianna and helped there, but my passion is for specific things, and I likely would have be in the throngs of others pulling overly-saturated trashbags and cardboroard out of a ballfield rather than helping rebuild an infrastructure. For this reason, I declined. I look at things with almost-adult eyes realizing that companies rule, others follow.

If you want to help, ask what you want to do. Then find out how and where. Then, make that happen. Too many people are easily duped because they have tons of love, energy, but don't ask questions and are thereby readily misused.

I could join the army things that I could mingle with the people and be a model of American democracy, but be shuttled place to place in remote firefights, never seeing an enemy, let alone a civilian. I could also be stuck in a supply depot, doing 12 hours of inventory, stocking, paperwork, never seeing outside a dank warehouse of stuff. We don't always get choices -- where most people thing you get to select, often -- no.

If you want to help children -- there are lots of places to do that. If you want to help animals, well not having a house there is a hinderance. If you want to build houses for humanity -- weekends, baby anywhere in the US, including Indiana.

Please, learn, live, be happy, but ask questions! Don't let your good intentions get in the way of what makes sense and what is right.

For example, a couple of guys videotaped women signing "end sufferage" petitions because people were too stupid to know sufferage was the right to vote. Don't be used, ask questions.

sunsearcher said...

Hi Jen,
Had to comment on this as I am your sponser in faith. Go to adoration and ask God what is His will for you. You have many talents and a giving heart. It is difficult to corner all of your energies right now. Try not to figuire all of life's questions out in one minute.
I love you and am proud of you.
Remember God in all that you do. Talk to Jesus and Listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Don't forget St. Catherine Laboure.

PS. YOUR PUPPY IS CUTE, CUTE, CUTE,. We are having kitten in a couple of weeks.
aunt deb