Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fall forward!

So I can always tell when it's the end of the summer because my allergies go crazy!!! Sniffling and sneezing every 20 minutes is no fun! Luckily I've found some stuff to help reduce the frequency of my sneezing fits.

So most of my friends have gone back to school and are stressed like heck trying to get back into the swing of things like studying, waking up for classes and getting pencil smudges all over their hand from notes. (maybe that's just us lefty's that have to worry about that ha ha)

And then there's me! No school just full time work at you all know where and building Logan and my business! That is definitely keeping us busy! We have so many people in our business team getting things going and having fun it's just been amazing! We've made lot's of new friends which is nice since Logan and I are kinda alone here in good ole Ft Wayne. I'm most excited about our goals we've been setting for our next business conference in October and our very big goal in January!! Oh of you want to know more you can call and ask :-).

Anyways hope everyone is having a lovely end of summer/beginning of fall! If anyone wants to support Logan and I let me know and I'll give you the information.

Love you all!

God bless


On a side note there are some stray kittens and cats around my apartment complex!!! I've saved 3 kittens and sent them to the shelter so here's a pic :-)

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