Friday, March 7, 2008


Stressed to the max. Trying to find a car is my least favorite thing to do in the world because I have no idea what's a deal and what's a rip off. Also I'm looking for a car that wont die so much (wishful thinking I know).

Also stressed because at my work I am now the head of shipping which isn't the job i wanted. I was supposed to be the office girl. Paperwork, phonecalls, accounting all that good stuff but nope. Kinda upset. Oh well. Such is life.

Oh and I've been working on my budget and all that and although I wish to very badly I can't afford to quit best buy :-( It's not that it's soo bad there. Besides corrupt managers which you'll find everywhere you go, it's actually pretty cool. Plus the discount and all the knowledge I get is great! But I just hate working 52 hours a week. It's draining me. And after my accident I haven't been able to work full time at either job. Though this week was my first full week back at MJC and I must say I'm exhuasted.

Oh and by the way I HAVE to buy a car this weekend. How's that for pressure? The insurance gave me a rent a car but since I'm not 25 my mom hasta drive it and so I've been stuck with her taurus with really scary brakes. Honestly I get in a car accident and the first car I drive has subpar brakes? Little shaken haha. But it's all my family could do so it's fine.

Another stress? My boyfriend logan and my one year was the day after the accident and ... yeah. Obviously we couldn't do much so we're hoping to redo it next weekend. I have no idea what we're doing or how we're guna plan it.

Ugh! I must go find a stress releaver.... maybe I'll go get my hair done that makes girls happy doesnt it? lol Don't know how I can afford it but I have some gift cards left from Christmas so theres a start....


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